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DUO Two-In-One Water Purification System DI & Ultrapure Water

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The Duo  combines Ultrapure (Type 1) and DI (Type 2) water in one unit. Saving you money and precious laboratory space. With the patented anti vibration technology the Duo has a quit operation volume.

  • Space saving design with 2 water qualities in one unit
  • Fast variable dispense with ultrapure water - up to 2 litres per minute
  • Quick change consumables with a realistic cost
  • Novel recirculation loop extends the life of membranes and cartridges
  • DI Water from the reservoir
  • Bench, wall or reservoir top mounting
  • Choice of storage reservoir: 30, 60 or 100 litres
  • Comprehensive monitoring of water quality including TOC  (Total Organic Carbon)